Monday, August 4, 2008

Prom/Trial Craze

finally got the prom ticket ;]

Prom is in less than a week
not really excited about it.

Why ?

I have school on that day.
and no, I'm not skipping school.
Have some inter-society games.

oh, did I mention this year we're having Prom Night ?
for the first time in God-knows-how-many-years.
Everybody seem quiet excited with all the sudden changes of hairstyle.

" What colour is your dress ? "
" Where are you doing your hair ? "
" Ahhh, I can't find the right heels. "
" Are you wearing shawl ? "

these questions can all be heard at every corner of the school
(ok, not every corner, I'm just exaggerating :P)

I just can't wait to get over Prom now.
the trial horror is really taking over me now.

I want to go study now WTF

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