Thursday, May 28, 2009

completed <3

I called you today.
You answered with a hello.
I almost stopped breathing for a second.
You asked if I was alright.
I giggled.
You laughed at the other side.
I asked if you're coming.
You said you're in the car already.
I heard you starting the engine.
You asked if I'm done.
I said yes and told you to drive safely.
We both hung up.

I could not stop smiling to myself after.
I kept looking out, waiting for you to arrive.
It gets me all hyped when I see you.
You talked to them as I walked pass you.
We exchanged glances.
My knee weakens at your sight.

my day is complete

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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